Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Halloween. Merry Christmas and New Year.
Hello good people. I know you've missed be but really where have I gone. Well yes as far as my blog about parenting and other dangerous jobs (insert snicker) I have not been around. Mainly because I've been parenting and living. I'm going to try and stay current with this as much as possible. It's rather difficult because I don't live my life on the internet. I live my life. So when I get here I get here.

Hello good people. I know you've missed be but really where have I gone. Well yes as far as my blog about parenting and other dangerous jobs (insert snicker) I have not been around. Mainly because I've been parenting and living. I'm going to try and stay current with this as much as possible. It's rather difficult because I don't live my life on the internet. I live my life. So when I get here I get here.
I can't believe another year has come and gone. THis has def been a year of cha ch ch cha changes. Of course starting with the obvious election of our PRESIDENT. Of course my children were engrossed in the election along with the rest of the world. P and D spent many a night at the kitchen table debating the politics of Mcain, Obama and Clinton. D was a Clinton and Obama supporter for some time and P was a diehard Obama mama.
Here's some dialogue from an after dinner debate
An overheard and slightly heated debate between the YOUNG YOUFS
So I'm downstairs in the basement checking my email when I hear Phina and Dahvi in the kitchen discussing politics while playing a friendly game of

They're also got Janelle Monae on repeat on our borrowed Karaoke machine. The following is exactly what they said word for precious word.
Dahvi " I want Hiliary Clinton to win."
Phina- " She can't win. She already lost. Obama is going to win.
Dahvi- "Well they can be friends"
Phina-"Why would a president be another president's friend. I think George Bush is not a good speaker. George Bush is not the president anymore. He stopped being president. He needs to say "one nation under god".
Dahvi- "Hilary Clinton and Obama are friends. Did you know that?"
Phina-" But George Bush is not anybody's friend."
Dahvi- "i know he don't hug and he don't kiss anybody."
Phina-" I know. Ohh wait this is my song."

(Janelle Monae's "Smile" plays in the background.