Tuesday, June 26, 2007


UUUh been a long time..

Well I had planned on blogging while on vacay with the kids but due to my parent's dial-up and lack of good signalage out in the boonies, IT AINT HAPPEN FOLKS. But now I"m back and been busy keeping my kids busy while their papa is off galavanting(spelling?) doing his thing on tour in China, Mongolia and Russia. Check his bloggy on the trip at www.myspace.com/kokayi. Anyhow the kids and I spent a glorious fun-filled week at my parent's humble abode and vast plantation of a yard. The kids stayed outside most days from sun up til sundown, slid on the spidey slip and slide, sprayed with the hose by my pops, attacked Kinderman at C-Town's African Heritage Festival, marched in the AA parade, and finished every dinner with a cool pop and a warm bath. My parents also took us on a little jaunt to Amish Country and Dutch Wonderland. I loved Dutch Wonderland because it's especially made for the little ones. And I loved the fact that my kids were crazy busted when we got back to the hotel, THE STEAMBOAT INN which is yes in the shape of a steamboat. Cheesy but oh so perfect. I have to admit the Steamboat's dining room made me feel like I was on the Titantic. During the trip i had a little moment of insanity and actually thought of moving back to C-Town. It was very brief. After seeing the crazy condos and other pricey housing developments and the lack of privacy quickly changed my mind. C-Town is forever in my heart. Being there made me miss my late and favorite Uncle Vincent and his selflessness. There is a place for me and my family. There is a progressive arts community somewhere with little crime, diversity and land. It will find me. I know it.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007


This month I've grown some hair (by way of braids by way of talented LaToyia). And yes of course it's been quite sticky these days so I haven't had the chance to wear it out but in due time. My hubby and best friend Carlo is presently in Mongolia hob snobbing with Embassy folks and Mongolian hip hop groups. He should be blogging soon but has complained about the slow comp service in his blazing 4/5 star digs. The kids miss him but hopefully a week in Cheddertown and an overnight in the Amish country should help the time go. I miss him a little mainly because he's the only one who really truly understands me. But I've been busy with promoting the Movement 10th Anniversary Show June 24 at the Lincoln Theatre. Years ago I was a poet, in a group, performing, creating and writing. I begin to think my writing was too personal and off to be shared onstage. Being married to a producer allowed me to find my new passion of songwriting.

Other than that, I have a great feeling about the rest of this year. I see many things that I will and cannot discuss because our family motto is less talk, more walk.


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