Thursday, November 09, 2006

stay at home mom-uhh definition please

How does one define a stay at home mother? Take myself for instance. I was a mother who stayed at home with my son. And many were quick to place that title upon me merely based on those two facts. Then add to that the fact that I was unemployed(by not fault of mine but thats another blog). I'm sure most would assume that a stay at home mom is the supreme matriarch whose sole purpose in life it to care for her children, maintain the homefront and cook polished martha stewart/ rachel ray quickie meals for her family. This definition is forever reinforced with the media's version. Vegging out on daytime tv was pure nausea for me. And sometimes I felt outright insulted. Talk shows like The View cater to that 1950's apple pie waspy def of the stay at home mom. And I guess they felt a little progressive replacing their black token Star with a gay token, Rosey. I guess ABC was just fullfilling their diversity quotas. And home shopping networks in particular appeal to this demographic with their cooking products, baby products and other junk to make your life easier. If I see another scrapbook or craft corner I'm going to toss. And I detest the Quacker Factory with bedazzaled mom jeans and monstrous patterns splattered upon faded denim. Farm animals on clothing should be illegal. Ladies, this clothing is obviously saying sex doesn't live here anymore!!!! Is anyone convinced that flannel is the new silk? Are stay at home mothers really buying this???? We have to change the way media and society are portraying stay at home mothers. They are not all Desparate Housewives nor the cartoon characters on The View. Now don't get me wrong, I don't curse in front of my children, listen to lewd music and do lewd acts in front of them mainly because they probably already seen it on the street from another mama!!! And I just don't think its right. But that me. Lets embrace all our stay at home moms including ones who work at home, the gays, the grandmothers, the grandfathers, and other guardians who are employed at the home. And if you are a stay at home mom whether by choice or not, make sure you have a life outside your children. Enjoy your other passions in addition to your family because one day they will become adults with the ability to leave the confines of your utopia. And you are left switching their room back and forth in case they come back.

PS-I'm strangely drawn to HSN or QVC's products by Susanne Summers. Anyone who can push a sweater, a necklace, a crock pot, syrup, and spa regimen all in a couple of hours ain't nothing but a P.I.M.P.


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