Monday, September 17, 2007

My Pop Pop and Black Love ?

Yesterday my mother called and said my grandfather had a stroke. It comes as no surprise knowing that my grandfather has diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He used to smoke 5 or more packs of jacks a day for a good number of years as well. His eating habits are horrible to put it nicely. He's also a catankerous man who refuses to hang out with any of his fellow VA's(Korean War) and just eats and watches westerns all day everyday. And even though my mother scolds him, sneaks the bad food out of the house, and refuses to take him grocery shopping every week it was only a matter of time before something was going to happen. I pray for my grandfather who I call Pop Pop. He's stubborn enough to do a complete 360 and I hope this time he does.

BLack Love ?

Yesterday we took the kids to the Black Love Festival. The festival has been going on for 10 years. And each year it's gotten much better and crazier. I was sad to find out there really wasn't enough activities for the kids. And believe me there were kids coming out of every crevice of the park. To me some of the performances lacked originality and were not how do say kid-friendly or even okay enough for my children to half listen to. Between the shouting, cursing other cultures and a chant that involved Nigga, I was done. I thought to myself where's the love. I felt more anger from some of the groups than anything. I was glad to see some awards given to some of the elders in our community and the founder Kymone finally being recognized by the city for his efforts. I'm proud of Kymone. However I do challenge him to think more of others and to think of other ways to reach our folks. And to let his artists know as well. i don't believe in censorship but I do believe in respect. Hell I'm a traditionalist in a lot of ways. The bottom line is don't teach my children it's okay to say Nigger or Nigga. The word has come out my mouth before in the past but I have since curbed it thinking of my mother and my grandparents and their parents. Hell thinking about my kids. I support Kymone and his efforts. I'll always support any help to better our folks but it starts with responsibility of self and a new perspective. Let's not be limited in our approaches of black love or unity. And can we at least add facepainting to that. Okay well maybe Great Black American Face Painting. sorry couldn't help it.


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